Arthritis in dogs



Early detection of arthritis in dogs and pain relieve for arthritic dogs has become an important field in veterinary medicine.
It has been shown that early detection of a dogs arthritis and helping your pet by reducing the arthritic pain speeds up the dogs recovery process.
Reducing stress in your dog will help to increase a sense of well being in your dog. Pain management and relief of the dogs arthritic pain may result in a happier and longer life for your pet. Recognition of an arthritic condition in your dog and what form of arthritis your dog is suffering from can be difficult to determine.
If your pet is not behaving or moving normally it may require a visit to the veterinarian for advice.
Heaters for dogs with arthritis and a change to a diet of food that is helpful in controlling arthritis in dogs can be beneficial for your pet. The symptoms for arthritis in dogs varies for some breeds. The symptoms can also change for dogs that are of a different age or environment. Some of the forms of arthritis are listed below and may be of help in detecting arthritis in your dog.

Homeopathy and dogs Arthritis

 pet heaterChronic pain conditions in dogs can be long lasting and at times slow to develop.
Some of the more common sources of chronic pain are related to age and the onset of arthritis in your dog.

But chronic pain can also result from other forms of illness such as cancer or bone disease.
Chronic pain, especially an arthritic condition in your dog may be one of the hardest to deal with for the pet owner because of its slow development.
The slow development of arthritis allows some dogs to adapt to the pain and they learn to tolerate it.
This ability to tolerate a chronic pain like arthritis makes it difficult to detect.

Acute pain comes on suddenly and may be caused as a result of an injury, surgery, or infection.
It can be extremely uncomfortable for your pet and may limit or hinder your dogs mobility.
Acute pain is usually temporary. It can be relieved or cured when the condition that causes it is treated.

Arthritis in dogs

homeopathyWhen humans have any form of sudden pain or a developing arthritis we complain. So how can we tell if our pet dog is suffering from an arthritic pain.
Look for any change in the dogs behavior or movements.
Being unusually quiet, listless, restless, or unresponsive can be an indicator of arthritis in pets. Whining, whimpering and howling are all signs that your pet is not happy with its life style, or it is suffering from pain. The pain may be an arthritic condition or some other form of discomfort.
Dogs seeking a lot more affection and comfort than usual can be a indicator to distress . This may be caused by neglect of your pet, or it may be experiencing some pain. Constant licking of a particular part of the body or acting unusual and out of character, either aggressively or submissively are signs that something is not normal with your dog.
If your pets mobility is very slow and sluggish, or it is flattening it's ears against its head a careful check of the dogs body is warranted.

Some dogs do not display signs of arthritic pain or suffering and in these cases you should relate the injury to a similar injury in a human. If the injury, illness or arthritic movement is one that would be painful to you, go with the assumption that it may also be painful for your pet.

To help your dog relieve some of these arthritic pains the following procedures may be of help. Obtain veterinary advice if the pain appears intolerable or you have any doubts about the condition and its proper treatment.

Massaging your pet from head to toe will help relax and soothe your dog.
This is also a great way of bonding with your dog as well as having the opportunity to detect any unusual bumps, scrapes, or bruises on the body.

Signs of arthritis in dogs

arthritis heaterWatch how your pet reacts to exercise. If your dog is acting sluggish, it may mean that a chronic pain or some form of arthritis is developing.
The ability to exercise will depend on the dogs health. The pet may require a veterinary examination if it is ill or unsettled.

Your dogs diet is important in helping to maintain it's weight, regularity, and physical health, all of which can affect how well the dog feels.
Do not overfeed your pet. Include food or additives that are thought to be of benefit in the fight against dog arthritis.
With certain medical or mental conditions, your dog may need a special diet and any food program designed by your veterinarian should be adhered to.

Treatment for arthritis in dogs

artritisThe usual treatment for pain and arthritis in dogs is with medication. There are many new and varied forms of prescriptions for pets available.
Medication can be in pill form, liquids, skin patches or gels for dogs.

Do not try to medicate your pet with any medicine that has been left over from a previous and unrelated treatment. Do not use any medicine that has been prescribed for human consumption for pain relief on your dog. Certain combinations of medications may be toxic to dogs even when given in small doses.
If treating your pet with any medication for pets with arthritis some professional advice from your veterinarian or other qualified source should be obtained.

In addition to medication for arthritis in dogs, acupuncture, homeopathy, holistic medicine, and aroma-therapy are other forms of arthritic treatments being used on dogs.
Whether your choice is a complementary or traditional form of arthritic treatment, your treatment decision should take into account any side effects that may occur and the amount of time that is required to complete the treatment.

Pain management becomes particularly important after surgery on your dog. When recovering from surgery your pet may not only be in pain, but it may also be weak and disoriented.

Resting area

arthritisHaving a soft and warm resting place for your dog that is quiet and shaded will be of comfort for your pet.

As with humans who suffer from arthritis, dogs will also benefit from an arthritic joint movement that has been kept warm and flexible. A heater should be used to keep the dogs resting place warm and comfortable. Small heaters that are suitable for dogs with arthritis can be found at
Small Heaters
If the dogs resting area is raised then a ramp over any height that your dog may need to negotiate to reach its resting place or dog house should be fitted. This will also reduce the chance of your dog receiving an injury from a fall.

Food and water bowls should be raised from the ground for medium to large dogs with arthritis. This will prevent the dog from having difficulty in reaching the food and water bowls. With any medical condition, your veterinarian is best in identifying and managing your pets pain. Pain management requires constant effort, but the end result can be a happier and healthier dog.

Arthritis in dogs

arthriticArthritis in dogs is an inflammation of a joint and this can be caused from a previous injury, or it can develop by wear and tear at the bone joints.
Both of these events may develop at any time but there is one form of arthritis in dogs that can be avoided.

Detecting dogs arthritis in breeds

Certain breed lines of dogs are prone to suffering from osteoarthritis. Hip dysplasia in the Labrador retriever would be a good example of a heredity arthritis.
Choose a dogthat comes from a good breeding line is essential in reducing the risk of obtaining a dog with this form of arthritis.

dogsSome of the signs to look for if you suspect your dog has a form of arthritis is standing up slowly or limping after getting up. Limping, especially on a leg that's been previously injured or operated on and healed can be an indication of the onset of arthritis.

Arthritis and overweight pets

veterinarianTreatment for dogs that suffer from arthritis can start with an easy health program. Do not allow your dog to become overweight.
Take your dog for several short walks every day. Shorter walks are of more benefit and less stressful for your pet than one daily long walk. Choose a terrain that is relatively flat and free from obstacles. A slip on a log or stone can be painful for a dog that is suffering for arthritis.

Homeopathy and dogs Arthritis

artritisYou may try an alternative therapy for your pets arthritis but you should consult a veterinarian before commencing an alternative treatment.
One of these alternative arthritic treatment is the use of a copper or magnetic collar. It is a treatment that is easy to apply and may be of some help to your dog.

Some people are convinced that the homeopathic treatment for arthritis is the best solution.
The homeopathic treatments can consist of using remedies such as seaweed extracts, cider vinegar, Devil's Claw and other such potions.
There is evidence that some natural products can be of limited help in relieving arthritic pain in your dog. Homeopathy can be successful if the arthritic condition is not chronic.
When purchasing natural remedies, purity and the proper dosage is important. Excessive use of a natural supplement can be as ineffective as too little, or may even be dangerous to your dog.

Acupuncture can be used to treat arthritis in dogs and acupressure which is similar to acupuncture but without the use of needles.

Manual manipulation or massage can help soothe tender areas and a pleasant side effect is pet bonding.. Use a warm bath to relax joints and reduce inflammation. Combine this treatment with a gentle massage to your pets body. If a pool for dogs is available this will help in exercising your pet and make extending the arthritic joint easier without the dogs body weight.

Dogs arthritis and veterinarian advice

petsThere is a large range of commercial drugs available that can be used to treat arthritic conditions.

Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs tend to be well tolerated and provide excellent pain relief and help in reducing inflammation of arthritic joints.
ThThey may cause stomach upsets and should be discontinued if vomiting, diarrhea or loss of appetite occurs in your dog.
They should be used under veterinary supervision.

Steroids are another commercial treatment for arthrities. Steroids. can be given by injection by your veterinarian but are normally given orally with food.
Steroids can be used to suppress inflammatory changes on the joint surface that are affected by arthritis in dogs. Steroids are used when the joints of the pet are worn.

It is estimate approximately thirty percent of family dogs suffer from arthritis.
Chilly temperatures can often make a pets arthritic pain feel more severe.

Arthritic symptoms in dogs

Extra care is needed with elderlypets and dogs that are suffering from arthritis during the winter period. The cold weather can leave their joints extremely stiff and tender.
Ensure that they have a soft bed in a warm room or kennel.

Be careful with arthritic pets that have a stiff movement if you walk them outside. A bad slip could be very painful to your dog and may cause a significant injury. Do not have the dog house in a position that makes it difficult for your pet to enter or leave.

Clothing on a pet can help to keep it warm but dogs have the largest amount of heat loss from the pads of their feet, their ears, and respiratory tract.

Dogs health and arthritis in dogs care sheets have been provided free for your personal use.
The health care sheets on dogs arthritis and arthritic pain and dogs have come from a variety of professional sources but they should only be used as a general guide to help you understand your pets health and arthritic condition.
They should not be used as a substitute for proper veterinarian advice.